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DE&I Policy

DE&I Policy

Orion understands the importance of valuing everyone as an individual and creating an inclusive work environment that benefits all. We recognise that unconscious bias has no place in our business and that all staff can contribute to ensuring that Orion maintains a truly inclusive organisation.

Orion Commitment

Orion are committed to increasing diversity, equity and inclusion for our staff and customers. We understand the importance of valuing everyone as an individual, creating an inclusive work environment and providing recruitment services that benefit all. Our aim is to provide fair outcomes for all stakeholders, and we support this aim through partnership, guidance, policy, and action.


Orion is a home for people with determination, passion and drive, and opportunity exists regardless of gender, ethnicity, identity, or disability. Through broader representation, and enhancing our inclusive culture, our team can achieve our business goals together.

Ensuring that we are always recruiting, retaining, and promoting a diverse mix of staff who represent the diversity in our local communities provides the range of capability that we require to successfully grow our business.


How Orion presents itself to the world is integral to stakeholder’s perception of our inclusiveness. Inclusiveness is the heart of our business, and this is reflected in our branding, our service and conduct.

Access to work is an important strand to our inclusive business approach. For example, our web site now has text to speech, speech recognition, page translation, magnification and reading customisation to aid website visitors.


Orion offer a range of flexible working benefits to staff as we appreciate the fact that it can aid job satisfaction, employee wellbeing, work-life balance and enable our work to be accessible to a broader group of candidates. We actively promote client flexible working arrangements and offer candidate outreach methods that we can engage in our recruitment processes.


Developing and maintaining an inclusive business is an important goal for Orion. A worldwide culture of inclusion where all our staff feel that they belong requires that we maintain an open environment that reinforces inclusive practices. Our practices will be supported by our policies that continue to be enhanced with developing best practice. We are committed to sharing social media content that reflects our, and demonstrates the value of, an inclusive culture.


We aim to attract diverse candidates and staff through demonstrating our commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion. Through resourcing, induction, and on-going training, we expect and encourage inclusive behaviours across our company.

Orion are a Recruitment & Employment Confederation qualified trainer, and we provide formal diversity, legal and ethical training to all our recruitment staff. Internal diversity training is provided to all new staff and wellness campaigns are run annually with health guidance available to all employees.


Orion recognises that there is a wide range of neurological differences in the human population, including conditions such as autism, ADHD, dyslexia, and others. We acknowledge that these differences simply reflect different ways of thinking and processing information and that it is important to recognise and accommodate neurological differences to create a more inclusive society.

Mental Health

The cognitive, behavioural, and emotional well-being of our staff is important to Orion. Through our team of mental health first aiders, we seek to provide a point of contact for any employee who is experiencing a mental health issue or emotional distress. When we spot signs of stress or poor mental health in an employee, we will act to assist them. Orion will continue to provide education on mental health to our staff.


Corporate Social Responsibility is incredibly important to Orion. Our business reflects our community, and we are focused on ensuring that our company conduct is ethical, fair, and beneficial to the communities where we work. Orion also assists staff with initiatives that support our local communities across the globe.

International Labour Organisations

Orion Group is guided by the extensive International Labour Organisations (ILO) standards governing our employment practices and industrial relations. This standard incorporates a genuine respect for employees’ rights to freedom of association, labour organisation, non-discrimination in employment and a safe and healthy working environment provided for all employees.

At Orion we truly value all of our people in terms of their social, intellectual, economic and personal contribution to the business. We also ensure that each employee is treated with dignity and respect. We never discriminate on the basis gender, racial, social or ethnic origin, culture, religion, age, disability, sexual orientation, nationality, citizenship or political opinion.

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