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All Case Studies

Carbon Capture & Mineralisation

Tracking the development of scaling up a carbon capture and mineralisation (CCM) initiative.

Services provided include:

Recruitment, global mobility and out-sourcing


Name of Company

Renewables Major


Renewables (CCS)


Fujairah, UAE

Project Background

This project is to track the development of scaling up a carbon capture and mineralization (CCM) initiative in Fujairah, UAE. In this phase, over 300 tonnes of CO2 will be injected over an extended period, building on the pilot's success, which achieved permanent mineralisation of 10 tonnes of CO2 within Fujairah’s peridotite rock formations in less than 100 days.

The Brief

Having supported the client through a successful pilot, Orion were asked to support project recruitment, mobilisation, and in-country compliance for an out-sourced ex-patriate project team.

The Solution

  • Orion co-ordinated candidate identification, screening and on-boarding from our regional recruitment centre.  
  • Support provided through Orion’s global mobility department and local UAE offices.
  • Seamless candidate mobilisation and immigration compliance.

The Outcomes

  • Project team efficiently recruited and mobilised.
  • Client project milestones successfully achieved.  
  • All out-sourced personnel engaged through Orion’s Abu Dhabi entity to comply with UAE work permit, visa and payroll legislation.